(Day) 10/23/2020 (1:00-2:10)






I started my sit spot at exactly 1:00pm. I decided to go to my sit-spot during the day because if was the most convenient time for me to go in the week. The weather was really nice with a temperature of 75 degrees. There was a really nice consistent breeze blowing around me. I also decided to sit in the shade instead of in the sun because it was shining really bright and after a while I stared to get hot. All my other sit-spots have been during the day as well so far. I’m excited for my next sit-spot since it will be during a different time of day that I haven’t gotten to experience yet.

During my time here I noticed that it was a lot more lively. There were lots of birds chirping that day and it was a huge shock to me considering I was rarely seeing them let alone hearing them frequently. I’m not sure what was different about this day in particular that made the birds more active but it was a nice change to have. The next thing I noticed were all the vibrant colors of the trees and bushes surrounding me. It was really beautiful to look at since in my previous sit-spots it was still pretty green all around.

As I was observing and listening, the wind would blow and make leaves from the trees break off and float down into the pond and it was really nice to observe as well. The only issue was the occasional pine needle falling off and hitting me in the head. I also saw this squirrel that was making this really strange noise and its tail was moving really strangely. I’m not exactly sure what it was doing but I can assume it wasn’t a very happy squirrel. I also saw this really cute bird. It was just tiny. I’m not able to identify it because it was to far away to distinguish any defining features.

Lastly, I noticed that things have been changing at my sit-spot. The first thing I noticed was that the willow tree was changing colors and its leaves were falling off. Its leaves weren’t changing into any vibrant color just a brown color instead. For some reason the pond look fuller than usual. I’m not sure if it actually is but to me it looked different. It could be because there was a lot more stuff sitting on top of the water like pine needles. A bunch of leaves had sunk to the bottom so that might be a contributing factor. The bird house hasn’t changed and nothing was inside but there was this piece of plastic string hanging out of it that wasn’t there before. It had to have been put in there because I pulled on it and I could tell it was woven between some other things.

I think my favorite part about this sit-spot was getting to see the progression of all the different plants around me and see how they have been changing throughout the semester and watching them slowly change colors.