October 26, 2020 12;30pm – 1:35pm – Day time

My sit-spot at 12:30pm
My sit-spot is definitely is beginning to show that fall has settled in. The air is beginning to smell like fall, the sky and the way the sun shines on the earth looks like it does in the fall, and the leaves are on their last lives on the season. The sun was more towards the west as it seems to be working its way towards sunset in a few hours. The weather was slightly chill, with a slight breeze, but the sun was shining so bright that it made the air warmer from the crisp 62 degrees Fahrenheit. The sounds of animals and nature were drowned out by the sound of lawnmowers cutting the grass around the creek. From what I could hear were small insects and birds chirping ever so slightly. There were a few birds flying to the east from where I was sitting at my sit-spot. I have never been to my sit-spot during this time of day and it was a little odd for me if I do say so. The sun almost completely covered the creek, would could affect photosynthetic growth. I knew that the sun would appear different than my usual late afternoon to early evening time that I normally attend. I also wanted to see the different kind of animal and human activity during this time of day versus my own. There was a lot more human activity during this time of day which could have been a reason why most of the animals that I see quite often during the time of day that I go.

The sun and little cloud coverage
As I was looking around during my fifteen minutes of observation, I noticed that the creek was flowing slowly with something that looked like water bubbles surrounded by foam. I am not sure exactly the cause of this, but I was thinking that maybe it was from the flow of the creek. I also noticed that there was lots of movement from the water spiders, as there were ripples in the water from them. They were very active, playful, and in larger groups than they usually are when I am at my sit-spot.
From the last time that I went to my sit-spot, I have surely noticed the change in the trees leaves, as they have all changed color, died, or fallen from the trees. If one good wind came through, I believe that almost all the leaves that are left on the trees will fall from them.

The bubbles and foam that was in the creek
I was expecting to see more animals than I did during this time of day versus the time that I go. I figured this because when I go, I would think the animals would be starting the roost or settle in for the night. I saw the normal amount of birds that I usually do or maybe more than the usual. I saw the same number of crows flying around as usual, but I saw a lot of tweedy birds flying between the trees to the northwest of me. I feel like the birds were so active because during the time of day that I go to my sit spot, the birds are going to their nests for the evening. I barely saw any squirrels during my visit today, but I think this is because there was so much foot traffic and lawnmowers going around it was slightly challenging. There were only faint insect noises, most crickets, I did not hear any cicadas, I think they have finally left until the summer (if they even do leave, I am not sure). I did see a few dragonflies flying around and swooping close to the water. There were two dragonflies playing together (from the looks of it). It seemed like they were almost playing tag. It was so hard to snap a picture of just one of the dragonflies.

The water spiders(if you look closely you can see 5 of them)
The three things that I planned on studying have now come down to one thing that I am still able to study. The purple flowered plant has disappeared since my last sit spot, the cool looking plant (maybe a weed) has not been around since my second sit spot when the grass was cut along the creek bank. The one bush that is still living, has almost lost all of its leaves, and the leaves have become a very dark pinkish purple color. I have a strong feeling by my next sit spot entry, there will be no leaves on this bush left for me to admire.

The bush that has few leaves left at the top
Sad to hear you lost two of your three organisms that you were studying. I bet its much quieter and a little more calming not having to hear the cicadas yelling in your ears. Everyone was having lawnmower interruptions this week too, with them scaring away the animals and being the only thing we can hear.