Time of arrival: 4:54 pm
Time of departure: 6:00 pm
For the last sit spot I went at 4:54 pm, it was cold, unlike the first time I went there. it was also a lot windier too. My sit spot looks more empty since there is not much of a canopy anymore and the colours look dimmer. The plants look like they are fragile like I could touch them and they would break, a lot different from the beginning when I would us the plants to stabilize me to get across the creek. Also, the leaves are going from most of the trees, some of the bushes still have leaves on them so it doesn’t look too empty. I didn’t get to see any animals, I heard one bird sing but other than that I didn’t see anything. It was different from the first time I went to my sit spot where there was always either an insect or a bird singing and I would see spiders, water striders and even a mole. For the last sit spot, I could hear the wind, I couldn’t hear the wind in the beginning because of all the sounds.
The sky was a light blue colour and like orangey-pink because the sun was setting. There weren’t many clouds in the sky but the clouds that were in the sky looked like cotton balls that were pulled apart into small wispy bits.
My three things have changed a bit. The berries that I was observing were no longer on the branch, originally I thought that they would eventually stop growing but then they started to grow back when I thought they were disappearing so I am a bit surprised that they are fully gone. I didn’t see any water striders on the creek, I think the stream is still a bit to strong for them right now to be able to be on top of the water. Lastly the orangey-brown stuff I could not see because I don’t have water shoes to look at it but it looked like it wasn’t there anymore.
This sit spot experience has been a good one. It was nice to be able to get out into nature and see nature change over time with my own eyes. I see it around me every day but I don’t even realize it and the sit spot has shown me that. I feel like this has made me a bit more comfortable with nature, not too much with bugs but I was able to walk across the creek in the beginning since the water was lower. One thing I would have changed would be the location of my sit spot. I wish it was in a more forested area after I found my sit spot I found what would have been a better sit spot for me. I also think other people had similar locations to me and so I want a more private area.


Hi Katlyn,
my sit-spot’s color was also much more dull than the first session I went to. From one picture it appears that there is still some sort if life left on some trees which is nice to look at, I think only two or three trees has some color and life left at my location. You are lucky to have your three things still standing and alive, I only had one left after my third session.
I also did not get to see much wildlife except the distant, occasional bird which is likely thanks to the harsh breeze. The berries at my spot definitely have depleted, so it is a bit interesting to hear yours have done quite the opposite.