I arrived at my sit spot (10/26/2020) around noon (12:07- Day time). I have been at my sit spot almost always at day time just because it is easier to see things in the light of the day. I chose the same time of day because I was already outside and I thought it would be easier to go and do my sit spot while I was out. I also chose day-time because I knew it would be when a lot of animals and insects would be active, so I would have more things to observe and notice.

(1 of my three things) Clover
My sit spot has changed a little bit since my last post. The grass was a little taller, and while my three things to observe haven’t changed, the scent around the area has changed a bit. I don’t know how to describe it but it smells more like mud, probably because of the cold/rainy atomosphere yesterday. It was kinda cold but on the hotter side, the perfect temperature for fall in my opinion. It wasn’t that windy, but there was a breeze. The sky was a little cloudy but sometimes the sun would peek through and make it a little warmer. Later during my sit spot, the weather turned more and more sunny and made my pictures turn out better. I saw a two squirrels in my general vicinity (unsure if they were the same squirrel) and they seemed to be generally just foraging and looking around. I heard many birds and birds calling and I saw a couple fly in between trees but I lost them between the leaves and didn’t actually see them in the trees.

(1 of my three things) The tree

(1 of my three things) Violet

A large stick, fallen from the trees above, that i thought was cool
In terms of my three things, as you can see in the pictures, they haven’t changed all that much. The violet is still growing well and on the bricks. The clover might be a little taller, but I didn’t have a ruler or anything with me to “measure” its height and really tell for sure. To my surprise, my tree still has not changed the leaf colors more. It has lost a few leaves, but other than that, the leaves are still mostly green.
I also have done all of my previous sit spots during the day, so it was pretty interesting to see the difference when it starts to become dusk. The squirrels around me were just as active, when they passed by each other, there was quite the commotion.
Hi Devanshi,
your sit-spot is very pretty, especially during dusk. I would say that I go to my sit-spot close to dusk(around 4:30). I love how much detail you put into this blog post, it makes me feel like I am there. I have never seen violets without their flowers, and I figured that these flowers died. Your tree has a lot more leaves that I would think they would have for this time of year which is really cool.