The view of my sit spot.
My sit spot is right behind the C wing of Tinker looking out at the new apartments. As I sat in the same spot from the previous blog post, I began to notice the small things that have changed. I noticed that the ground around me has turned into a brown and had more leaves and sticks laying on the ground than before. This time I was not swatting at the mosquitoes to go away. The sound of the crickets were still there and chirping. Even though the crickets were chirping.

The small branch from the tree I sit under.
I could hear the cars and trucks rushing down the interstate and the road that passes

How the grass looked around my sit spot.
Hollins, I’ve really paid attention to these sounds before. It wasn’t something I was enjoying listening to as I sat there. One thing out of my 3 things I chose was a bump I talked about in my last post. As I looked at it, it hasn’t really changed much, but it was a little dark and I couldn’t see the changes made, it there was changes. The tree I sat under is the other, as I looked at it the trunk and moss growing didn’t change from the last time and neither did the leaves. They were still green as can be, but I think the tree is starting to grow acorns. I noticed all around me were little branches with the same leaves that are on the tree and also attached to those little branches were these tiny acorn hats. I’m guessing that squirrels have been coming into the tree and taking the acorns for food. The last item is the grass, the grass had a lot of changes. It was brown and yellow since it is becoming chilly outside. I’m excited to see how the grass will change from this time to the next sit-spot.

The metal “plate” that was in the tree trunk that I sit under.

Either moss or fungus growing on the tree trunk
Since I was able to get up and walk around, I went to examine the tree a little bit further. As I got closer to the tree, I could see all the lines in the bark and all the spots in the moss growing on the tree. There is this one dead branch that hangs towards the northwest which points towards the B hallway. As I was walking around the tree the weirdest thing came to my attention, there was a metal plate stuck in the side of the tree. I am not sure how or why it is there but maybe it is for tagging. That was the only thing I walked to and observed up close, if I had not walked up the tree I would not have found that metal object in the side of the trunk which was a surprise.
The last time I was in my sit spot I hadn’t though about walking around the area at all. I thought I would sit there and observe and not interact. Today I was able to interact, it was a little dark out since I went around 7pm. I guess the last time I was there I was just trying to get use to the feel of sitting alone on campus and just listening and watching the world go on around me while fighting the bugs off. Tonight was easier to just observe and sit there but it was also a nice time walking around the tree observing what grows and crawls on the tree.
One out of the three adaptations I saw while in my sit spot was the changing of the leaves on a tree in the distant behind the fire hydrant I talked about in my last post. I’m still not sure what species the tree is but the leaves have started to turn a more vibrant yellow. Since it is fall, the leaves on this tree have began to change color meaning it is gearing up to soon shed all the leaves off after the cold air is too much for them and they turn brown.
I believe I have also seen a tree with a metal plate! I like your sit spot and how you went at night. How cool to quietly sit and observe your surroundings in the midst of night. I also hadn’t thought o look around my sit-spot but was glad I had. Good job, and nice photos!
A lot of trees on campus have those metal plates on them! I think it is just for tagging purposes, as you mentioned. Tinker Beach is such a great spot to hang out at, especially at night! Be on the lookout for the groundhog that lives underneath randy, he’ll make most of his appearances at night but every once in a while you’ll catch him during the day.
I’ve never noticed the metal plates on the trees, I’ll have to look and find one now! But I love your commentary its informative and I also love how you went at night, that must have given you a totally different perspective then during the day!